Give Thanks

The theme for the school year was Give Thanks. As the year is ending, we have so much for which to be thankful. The year brought exciting activities and lots of classroom fun and learning. The Guatemala team had a life changing trip. A change in government meant greater respect for parents and that is good for children. There was sports, music, tests, pizza, friends, teams, family groups, and laughter.

There are always ups and downs in community life. We grow in character and resilience when we work through them together. I have been blessed by the prayerful support of the school community over the past several years as we faced the unknown together.

Your children are in a good place. The values and faith of the school community will bring forth fruit in its season. The Bible says so. Psalm 1. That doesn’t mean it will always be easy. Raising godly, resilient, faithful children is never easy. But it is the gareatest calling and we are thankful for your trust and your partnership.

Our theme verse was 1 Thess 5:16-18. “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” As we reflect back upon the year it is important, and biblically affirmed, that we should be thankful. And we are. Thank you for your hard work as parents. Thank you for your prayer and support over the year. Thank you for committing to the hard work of parenting; society and the church are shaped by what you do and how you do it.

We are thankful for you and for your children. It is joy to serve and a blessing to have a school like Living Waters Christian Academy where Christ is central to all we do. Have a blessed summer!